
Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 posts

How Do We Find Meaning in Our Life?

In order to develop meaning in your life, there are two questions you may want to consider. First, what are your values, what is important to you? What is really important to you in the long run. Second, how can you direct and maintain focus on those values (perhaps most of the time)? Read More

Everyday Mindfulness

Consider two key principles of mindfulness. The first is present moment awareness of our sensory experiences like sight, sound, taste and touch and awareness of our sometimes-automatic thinking processes. Perhaps an example of a personal experience would be helpful. I have had a mindfulness practice for several years using basic breathing, guided meditations and mindful walking in nature. However, I wasn’t seeing a clear connection between my mindfulness meditation practice and my everyday experience. It was only when I became more aware of my “autopilot” thinking processes that this connection became more obvious. Read More

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