
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 posts

How Do We Find Meaning in Our Life?

In order to develop meaning in your life, there are two questions you may want to consider. First, what are your values, what is important to you? What is really important to you in the long run. Second, how can you direct and maintain focus on those values (perhaps most of the time)? Read More

Essential Tools for Well-Being

Although there are many of these psychological tools, five of them when used alone and especially together can significantly improve our sense of well-being. Forgiveness toward yourself and others for mistakes that are made as you are moving forward fully engaged in the present moment, Gratitude for all things, including the gifts of difficulties and experiences, as we strive to learn and grow, Acceptance of life events as we experience them, including imperfections and mistakes as you engage in activities and pursue goals that give your life meaning and purpose, Self-compassion, kindness, compassion, and care toward yourself as you refine your many abilities, as well as for others in your world, and Commitment to intention, focused action, and courage, even in the face of adversity. Read More

What is Mindfulness Meditation and How Can It Help Me?

Mindfulness isn’t about controlling your thoughts and emotions. It’s about recognizing them, becoming more aware of them, and realizing that they don’t define you – then learning how to let them go, so you can become more fully present in whatever you are doing. Read More

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